New Podcast Not Showing Up In Spotify?

Can I submit video podcasts or episodes to Spotify through Podbean?

Why are my episodes taken down by Spotify?

New Podcast Not Showing Up In Spotify?

If your new podcast isn't appearing on Spotify, please check the following:

1. Your podcast episodes must be in MP3 format.

If you use a media format other than MP3, Spotify will not update the episode. Please go to your Podbean Dashboard> Episodes> Media Manager to check if your episodes are in MP3 format.

Please allow up to 24 hours for new episodes and updates to show on Spotify.

2. <Author> must be set for your podcast.

Please log into your podcast channel dashboard, go to Settings > General > More Options page to check if you've set Author for your podcast

Can I submit video podcasts or episodes to Spotify through Podbean?

No, Spotify currently does not accept video content through an RSS feed. Spotify exclusively supports audio podcasts in MP3 format for distribution via feed.


Although Podbean allows you to upload video episodes and distribute them to other platforms, Spotify only accepts mp3 audio podcast submissions, and video or mixed media feeds are not supported.


While video content is available on Spotify, it cannot be submitted through automatic feed distribution. You will need to manually upload video content through the Spotify Dashboard.  

Why are my episodes taken down by Spotify?

If your podcast is submitted to Spotify, please make sure your podcast is not used to distribute music tracks, DJ mixes, or similar musical content. See more at

Haven't submitted your podcast to Spotify? Click here and learn how to submit.