On the Campaign Management page, you can view the status of your campaign. If you're unsure about what each status means, please refer to the explanations below:

  • Draft
    Your campaign has been successfully created, but no podcasts have been selected yet. For how to add podcasts for your campaign, please refer to this guide.

  • Under Review
    Your campaign has been successfully created and you have completed the setup & podcast selection. If you have authorized your payment card, we will review your campaign and get it ready to run as soon as possible. For more information on when your campaign will become active, please refer to this FAQ.

  • Pending
    Your campaign is ready to run. It is either in the process of preparing or awaiting the scheduled start date.

  • Running
    Your campaign is currently active and running.

  • No Active Podcast
    There are no active podcasts under your campaign, so the ads are not running as expected. To resolve this issue, please adjust or add podcasts. For how to adjust or add podcasts for your campaign, please refer to this guide.

  • Paused
    Your campaign has been temporarily paused. For how to resume campaign, please refer to this guide.

  • Ended
    Your campaign has ended either because it has reached the scheduled end date or the budget has been fully used. For how to re-activate an ended campaign, please refer to this guide.

  • Removed
    Your campaign has been manually canceled or removed.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us.